We had the opportunity and privilege to save the stage in theĀ Centennial Garden from total destruction. A new stage is nearly completed to welcome Diamond Rio and Trick Piny to the 28th Annual June Jubilee (June 12, 2015). But before the new one could be built, the old one had to be removed.
While we were pulling off ‘new’ wood that had extended the stage area for Milligan’s Q125 (Sawyer Brown) – which we will use to make a ‘deck’ at the recycling trailer instead of the ramp that’s currently pulled out, but the old stage?
30×16 roof and back wall, we’ll add partial side walls and take off the floor boards and bingo! Shelter from the cold north wind and some shade. Though we thought of having our own concerts overlooking the pond…
But that’s not all. With the floor boards the cows don’t need for a floor to dance on. The floor boards, about 1280′ of 2×6 boards will make 15 picnic tables (6′). Or maybe a few ‘kids’ tables, too. Stay tuned for the finished products.