New calf

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Two cows lick off a newborn in the subfreezing weather March 1, 2019
Team work

You know it’s been a rough winter when two cows clean off a newborn. At least she (mom is on left) didn’t drop it in the pond or on snow.  But as the day went on it did get a little sloshy, so Gerald moved baby to a dry shed that mama could get to. 

The cold can really sap the strength out of the young’uns. A 250 pounder is in the warming pen tonight as it’s core temp got too low out on the pasture with the herd. The stock trailer is parked in the Stran Steel, with Monte’s former heater warming the air.

The herd has access to tree cover and are fed hay there. Why they wandered out in the open is puzzling.

(snow melted off pretty quick)

Tarps hung on 2 sides of the stock trailer and a heater pushing warm air thru the slats on the forth creates a warming pen for calves or cows that need some heat.

About Kim Slezak

Fourth generation farmer and his 'new-to-the-farm' forester/photographer bride have 'home-grown' beef for your discerning palate. Many of the cows have names (by him, not her) and are lovingly cared for as they roam the pastures and fields. Those that encourage walk-abouts are generally first to visit a locker or sale barn.
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